A Helpful Guide: Meditation as a Ride

Picture yourself waiting in line to get on this roller coaster. It’s intimidating, but for whatever reason, you find yourself excited by the idea of it right now, even if it’s not necessarily something you might normally do. 

Eventually, you get to the front of the line. 

Everybody, strap in. Where we’re going, it doesn’t matter if your safety belt comes loose. But for you to best experience this ride, you’ve got to remember, when you find yourself unbuckled, because you will definitely come unbuckled, that you can always find your way back to your seat, and you will always be able to buckle yourself back in. You don’t have to feel bad about flying off this roller coaster, because you’re always going to be able to find your way onto your seat and buckled back up if you choose.

Do you want to know the secret? As long as you remember your breath, you will return buckled up to your seat, which is, by the way, how the ride is best experienced. 

The breath that I recommend the most is symmetrical breathing. Like the ocean.  I like to breath in for about 6 seconds. And then out for about 6 seconds. If it’s comfortable for you, maybe give yourself a second or two to hold the inhale. You can do the same for your exhale. Listen to your breath, feel your breath, and do what feels right for you in this moment. Make it natural, meaningful, and deep. During your exhales, really try to empty your lungs. Sometimes we can hold air in without realizing it, but it’s important to remember to filter all of that out. After all, we need to let in the nourishing new breath. 

If you find yourself flying off the roller coaster, please return to your breath.

Please take notice of some of the things flying your way as we begin our ride. What is it? Personal stuff? Work stuff? Responsibilities? Stress? Take notice of it. Can you do anything about this stuff while you’re in the middle of this ride?

Maybe you can. You grab at the thing that is most prevalent in your mind right now, the thing that maybe you feel you can figure out. But as your conductor for this ride, the only way you’re taking that thing back with you onto your seat, is if you promise to observe it using only these two things.

Your heart, and your breath. 

Your heart, with which, the powerful energies that are love and compassion, you can examine what you’re bringing while you’re on this ride. The heart holds no judgements. It is where your inner divinity will always be available to you. Feel your heart. How it pumps you full of life. How it carries within you, generations of history. 

And then your breath. Because with your breath comes intention. When you’re with your breath, you will always be able to channel focus and energy. 

The ride is coming to an end for now! But you can always hop back on whenever you’re needing the thrill and excitement of loving self compassion, calmness, and peace.

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